Lock down Reduces Pollution

With imposing Lock-down condition in India, maximum benefits we can realize, happened to providing much needed relief to badly polluted environment.Everywhere, statics reflecting the pollution level decreased to such an extent resulting in clear view of mountains bringing cheers among nature lovers .How long we maintain this existing   level on pollution control will depend on what happens after lock of restriction is lifted.

With restrictive traffic movement, closure of industrial units bringing much- needed fresh air flows which were earlier on not experienced. Rivers water appearing more crystal clear, Metro towns giving the feeling of jungle life with free roaming of elephants, deer having picnic time on roads once suffocated by heavy population with unnecessary honking of horns have all brought highly unimaginative silence on roads which we will never feel again once govt allows the permission to restart our daily schedule in form of people moving with polluted vehicles damaging the much improved atmosphere.

This is the right time to take into consideration our future survival prospect whether to live in pollution free atmosphere or in a situation where due to our own wrong irresponsible activities like deforesting, developing commercial sites will bring disaster, climatic changes in form of global warming.

Only clear vision without prejudice, with involvement of all for spreading pollution free  movement  everywhere for making our existence on this universe more meaningful.

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shradha said…
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