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What identifies someone with a survivor or a fighter tag?


We are all endowed with a distinct personality that distinguishes the various characteristics we possess, representing our portfolio differently and determining whether we are merely survivors or true fighters in this competitive world. Does the uniqueness in our personality play a vital role in all of our lives? As we grow, our family and friends start to notice our special features as well as our personality. As we all know, life is full of ups and downs; the joys and sorrows go all along, affecting our own individuality and personal desires, attitudes, and tastes. What we see and experience every day is that life is not a bed of roses, and sometimes we have to fight hard to remain strong and different to survive and enjoy the best we can get. But on the other hand, someday we have to be fighters to make our world a better place to live. How do we manage this all? It will just be possible due to our personality traits.


  • What is your personality?


Personality is the unique combination of a person’s character and temperament, resulting in the formation of a rare and distinct individuality. What it highlights is that personality signifies two important things:

  • How we choose our actions and how we choose to act is related to a variety of people.
  • What we are like, inside and out

This is the sum total of our psychological make-up; the traits and qualities that make us different from others. Our personalities have a major influence on the way we live our lives, the choices we make, and the people we become. The word "personality" is often used to describe an individual’s unique characteristics as well as their psychological processes and traits. In psychology, personality is commonly defined as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychosocial characteristics that determine his distinctive ways of feeling, thinking, and acting." Different domains of personality are often correlated with certain important aspects of an individual.



  • How do personality tests help you understand your strengths and weaknesses?

It’s a scientifically validated way to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Never treat it as a game because it’s the key to your career. Personality tests or tests for measuring personality traits help you to understand how you perceive the world, how you act and how you interact with others. While some tests focus on one’s personality traits, others focus on the various aspects of personality. There are many important aspects of personality. For instance, a person’s level of extroversion or introversion, their level of openness to new experiences, their level of conscientiousness, and many more aspects that define a person’s personality. It’s the difference between being a survivor and being a fighter.



  • How will you make use of your personality in becoming a fighter?

Your personality is what makes you either a survivor or a fighter. We all have a personality that differentiates us from one another. It’s what makes you unique. It’s what makes you special. It’s what makes you stand out. You have to be able to use your personality to your advantage. You have to be able to use your personality to make you a better fighter. Personality is one of the most important things to have in a business. If you don’t have the right personality for a job, then you aren’t likely to succeed. Business people need to keep their emotions and feelings under control as they are meant to be successful in their jobs. People who are in business need to be of a certain type of personality. The personality of a person in a job is one of the most important things to have. It is important to have the right personality for a job. 




  • Why is it important to know about your personality?

It's important to know yourself. You should know your personality. Your personality is made up of many facets. You should know your strengths and weaknesses, your positive and negative traits, and your behaviors. You should know your values and goals. Knowing yourself is the first step towards happiness and success. You should have an idea of the purpose of your life and what you want to achieve in it. You can get a better idea of your personality and talents by evaluating how you feel about things, how you react to occurrences, what your morals are, what your favourite characteristics are, and what your favourite personality traits are. This can put you on a survivor or fighter tag.


How does it help you to create a stronger portfolio?

When you are trying to create a stronger portfolio that allows you to stand out from the crowd, you need to showcase your best talents, skills, and experience. It is important that your portfolio is a reflection of your true essence and personality. This way, you will be able to attract the attention of potential employers, clients, or customers. You just need the right tips to create a unique portfolio for yourself. In order to create a unique portfolio, you need to put in a lot of time and effort and learn to discover your unique selling point. The first thing that comes to your mind when you know about your personality is your unique traits. These unique traits make you different from the rest and make you a better person. It is the traits of your personality that make you different from the rest and make you go a step ahead in life. The same factor is relevant when it comes to your professional portfolio. Your portfolio is a reflection of your personality, and your personality is the depiction of your overall actions.



 Now decide what you actually want to be in you life.Be a fighter and not just a survivor. Success will find you when you are in the right place, where you will enjoy your job and will do it with passion in order to stay longer at your job. Always remember that you cannot be a fighter if you are gifted with the characteristics of a survivor. Differentiate your portfolio in a way that it becomes strong. The key is to understand ourselves with our strengths and weaknesses. Once we build a resilient personality, we become fighters. A fighter is not just born, not created, but trains and develops over time. It is not just enough to be a fighter, but do you need to be more than that?


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