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War is Incredibly unfortunate for the whole world.


What we had hopes for 2022 and what the scenario we are watching now could be totally different from our imagination.  The way the things are developing nobody knows what is going to take place from now onwards. Alarming bells are repeatedly signaling the crisis is deepening with the passing of every day. Russia and Ukraine enmity just bringing the entire world to an uncertainty with no immediate sign for earlier solution.


 Whatever is happening now between Russia and Ukraine is incredibly unfortunate for the whole world. This is not a decent sign for maintaining peace within the world and will become deterrent for economic development.  What may be projected is that if the current burning situation isn’t controlled immediately things will take a devastating shape further for all the countries griping them also to an uncertain future ahead. Threat for the third world war like a situation looming large with an involvement of NATO countries supporting Ukraine. Just pray for non occurrence of such disaster to happen really.


Already we have suffered badly because to Covid -19 and for the last three continued years Covid-19 has taken its toll very heavily on every nation affecting many thousands.  Really a completely torrid time for everybody who suffered, recovered and lost their near and dear one due to Covid-19. Now again we are going to be the witness to this present uncalled war.

Anxiety for destiny, reflection of depression is exposing the  system badly damaging the prevailing  new business and employment opportunities everywhere. How this economic and human loss to be minimized in Russia and Ukraine ongoing war ought to be taken into consideration? Already worldwide millions of people have become jobless finding no way for their present and future prospects owing to the prevailing scenario.With war like situation what to predict about the future ahead.  Now people will fight at the identical time with two different virus Covid-19 and war.


Future depends on lots of unknowns.


This torrid time is an unforgettable chapter of the modern world history that boast of such a lot of technological advancements but still finding itself helpless for finding an amicable solution to border disputes, removing misunderstanding and still ineffectual to develop the process for devising the way that can stop us from creating war like a situation. Though some efforts are there to bring the two fighting countries together for peaceful solution for early breakthrough is underway with the least chances. Political ego and military power domination between two countries creating non confidence and disparity. 

Russian and Ukraine crisis is an unforgettable exposure of humankind to the deadliest firearms. Why such a lot of amount is heavily invested on weapons?  The better is to divert the funds for development and betterment of human relations mitigating chances for two countries becoming enemy of each other. A number of the people that survive this war becoming older with time would like to share this war episode with new generation in form of disaster.  Ending of this war will depend upon how strongly people develop courage to raise their voice against this war virus. Successful pressurizing technique adopted to control this uncalled war between Russia and Ukraine should be carried over by UNO and other neutral countries can still save a lot of lives without effecting economic slowdown.


What we do now pray for the two countries understand the seriousness of the situation and devise a way for an earlier amicable solution with or without intervention of third party.

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