What direction we are heading for?


Have we ever wondered about in what quantity we recognize ourselves and the way how much we love and care for ourselves? No, we do not have sufficient time to ponder over this million-dollar question because we have no time to observe this hard fact effecting our day- to- day life. This way we are just doing injustice to ourselves only and the impact of it we feel badly.

 We are living a materialistic life with no feelings. What is happening everywhere now is that we are becoming addicted to high-tech advancement neglecting our normal life thereby losing our peace of mind completely resulting in creation of discord among our colleagues and families. No, this cannot be the correct way we are adopting this kind of living. We are simply giving a slow poison to ourselves.  Sit down relaxing to think to formulate the way to get out of this disturbing trend encircling everybody in its never ending trap. Find out whether the direction we are moving on will end with good results or leaving behind us unbearable discomfort aggravating mental torture.

Why not  you enjoy your life together with your family. See what a transformation you may discover once you meet your near and dear. Family bonding and attachment are an elixir of life. Pandemic has proved again and again that your family is your biggest source of stress reliever and a guiding force for following the right direction.


For following the right direction what you have to do.

 Devote some time for yourself or do some meditation.

 Become the biggest self-critic of yourself.

 You can judge yourself better than others about every aspect of your life.

 Make it a routine practice  doing like that.

 You may find it boring initially but after sometimes you may experience the changes you are bringing in your life.

 What others do for you is nothing just extolling you with artificial smiles on their faces. Actually they are not your well-wishers. All of them are you competitors. Just waiting for one of the chance to topple you down.

 Analyze minutely what you lack in your personality and how you are going to strengthen your weaker points.

 With every fraction of the passing second situation is becoming tough with new     challenges forcing you to think out of the box for immediate solution. We are moving   ahead, but our direction will remain misguided if we do not bring timely changes.


 Why we all seem to be  in hurry making things tousled?

 No doubt we have developed the best technology improving overall situation       everywhere.          

  But never let our mind and body becoming and behaving like a machine.

  Remember we are human beings and will always remain human beings with some feelings.

 We  are developing this  desire to utilize every second in some constructive purpose to  survive in this cut- throat competitive environment.

 Why don't we devote some precious moments for ourselves making us feel relieved from all worries?

 See yourself what will be the difference if we do like that.

 But nobody is coming forward to ring the bell.

 May be a few of us will be there to go for a change

 For doing like this it requires patience which we lacking badly in us.

 Nowadays, what we like to get a readymade recipe to the way to topple the competitor in whatever way it will be possible.

 We all know that the never ending race we all are running will never come to  end because the rival is additionally over- active within the same arena together with his masterstroke of all  varied  skillful maneuvers for thwarting our endeavors to surpass our rivals

Can we imagine who is going to be the actual winner during this war of super strategists fighting for top level position?

 Never let this war of super achievers to become more aggressive

 It may sometimes results in thereby adoption of unethical ways.

 Avoid this practice, and always go ahead for the right direction with clear vision.

 Now really what we do in our day- to- day life is simply looking outside to impress others in numerous ways.

 Little doubt we are living, but at what cost trying to please others only and not ourselves. By doing so what we will gain only temporary satisfaction over our short time performance.

Why we try to see wisdom outside while its freely available in abundance within us. Develop faith in our capabilities. Stop seeking others opinions and listen to our inner voice to search out our own path stuffed with confidence and right direction with satisfaction.


Why don't we walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction, and Impact of the desired changes will not be fulfilled by selecting the incorrect direction. Every morning take the right direction to go ahead for a beautiful enterprising journey of our life.  In that way, we will be heading for the right path giving us a chance for our development in all aspects from personal to spiritual gains.


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