How to overcome frustrations?

We are living a completely luxurious life, filled with all worldly comforts desired by all of us however, at what value putting life at danger tormenting  both body and mind badly under a non ending tussle of deceit, greed and unaccomplished aspirations leading us to  unaccountable frustrations over non completion of the limitless expectations, and that we have an inclination o pile up unnecessary doubts in our mind knowingly that we are throwing our present and future in a web woven through over our ambitious mind. If,  we consider this  the way of life? Then, it is not worth living. What we  do simply give a slow poison to ourselves, the impact  to take place in the form of some catastrophe within the future. Then, in what  course we are heading for? 

Why we are using tricks, and tactics to topple the opposition for gaining favourable position pretending to be the super strong personality whereas we internally are the weakest person feeling depressed under our wrong doings of past and present ineffectual in reality the implications of the failures arising out. All time we are surrounded by thoughts of developing new unsuccessful strategies to how to deal with the unfavourable situation making it  be appearing highly successful for our benefits. Fairly often we get frustrations because ethically talking we are wrong to large extent, and hence face frustrations at the top. What number people have patience to analyze all this and find out a solution for helping others to urge out of this  phase of frustrations.

 This trend is the trademark everywhere we observe leading all people to a dark zones, forcing to indulge ourselves to explore unethical pursuits for brief term gains not  in the slightest degree at all worried about the after effects of our actions the future. Day by day, tough working, and living prospects putting feelings apart creating an environment of cut- throat rivalry even in families drifting them to distinctive corners. Why this is happening everywhere? Will we be ready to mend our approach or looking forward to greater worst to  occur thereby sinking us deep into a  web of never- ending uncertainties?

Timely corrective measures  if,  we follow nicely we may get enough inspiration to utilize our experience in an exceedingly beneficial role by guiding  people to alter their negative mindset and concentrate  towards only on positive aspects distancing themselves from the grip of frustrations for a stunning future ahead.





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