The Art of Adaptation: Thriving in a World of Constant Change

  Wonderful things happen in our daily lives. We are very excited to appreciate the beautiful moments and hope that they will continue forever. It is impossible to always desire a successful ride. There is nothing wrong with such assumptions because our positivity drives us to strive for the best for ourselves. However, as movement continues, each second changes. This development period causes significant shifts in what we seek and what actually occurs over time. It never waits for anyone and moves at its own pace because no circumstance has a fixed place. It occurred in the past. We are experiencing the same thing, and future generations will understand that no circumstance in life is permanent. It will take its time to teach us in depth. We are experiencing the same thing, and future generations will understand that no circumstance in life is permanent. It will take its time to teach us in depth. Sometimes something completely unexpected takes over the driving seat. Changing the game

After effects of Covid-19

 Are we enjoying our life after realizing our exposure to Corona impact coming into in our life since Dec 2019. Not in any respect because the situation has completely changed. Not able to relish the life as freely as it was before Covid-19.We pop out but underneath constant fear of getting infected taking all precautionary measures of hand sanitizers, mask and seeking to maintain the specified social distancing. Our interest to visit shopping malls entertain ourselves at restaurants, hotels going to the cinema hall is on decline mode. Marriage palaces are lacking the hustle bustle of the past.Tourist locations now no longer performing captivating any greater with tour operators searching out for new ventures to finance their existing EMI. Lot of human beings have lost their employment running from pillar to pillar for any new job opportunity to sustain their livelihood. School going lost their interest in studies due to discontinuity and small youngsters feeling the load of online classes putting them under undue strain finishing their innocent smiles on their faces.

Everyday in morning and night we see lots of those who can manage to pay for their personal conveyance are moving while rest have to depend on public transport facility. Everyone desires to sit alone in public transport to avoid bodily touch however, now no longer possible. Demand for private conveyance is on increase but finance companies and banks are not risking their funds due to fear of non-payment by the borrowers as economic slowdown has reduced paying back capacity though hope of revival of all activities instill in us the confidence of making the situation same as it was before Covid-19.

India being labelled as the second most populated country has now gained the number one position for highest covid victims.We all need to be extra careful in handling the current situation of getting it further worst by adopting the required precautionary measure. Situation is becoming grim day by day. We are a strong nation and will kick off  of this crisis with our own discipline otherwise, will face the consequence of negligence in shape of bigger corona instances on each day basis.Stipulated guidelines must be strictly observed by all of us to make it stress free life

Though clinical trials are underway and wealthy countries are exploring the possibility of taking control of all developed vaccine to favour them.What will happen to poor countries if such a situation is created. Only some super spiritual power will come to rescue the distressed underneath looming disaster. 

We should never lose our hope of finding a solution and only patience and precaution will pave the way for finding successful vaccine.





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